Writers Memo

To My Peers

From Mike Conry


Evolution of Narrative

Why did I write my essay about this memory? Because my relationship with writing has been a war. I either wanted to write a lot (when I had  freedom and creativity) and had fun doing it. Or I hated writing because I wasn’t interested in the topic or just wanted nothing to do with it. Usually it was the latter because English class was never my strong suit. But when I had an essay assignment when I could use imagination and freedom to create a short story or some kind of creativity aspect I enjoyed writing. The reason I chose this memory was because I didn’t like to write until this assignment i got. It showed me that you could have a balance between structure and freedom of a creative and imaginative mindset. This assignment I wrote about made me like to write again. Although I do enjoy how it is so far it needs work. I should use stronger word choice to describe things and I need to make it longer. I should put in more detail but not stress about it so much that I lie about certain things that happen. It has to all be true otherwise the reason I chose this topic to write about would have been for nothing.

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