Theories and Politics of War (PSC 330)

Course Description:

“War is a constant feature of international relations, and while it rarely has any positive outcomes, people continue to pursue ciolent conflict with one another. This course examines basic theories of warfare from a variety of mainstream and critical perspectives and also examines the impacts of warfare on societies. The issue of why we fight and how far war can be prevented are examined through readings from a variety of disciplines, including political science, philosophy, psychology, and history. Films will also be used to explore certain issues in more depth. “

My Reflection:

Throughout this course I not only learned must about war and its many theorists, such as Kenneth Waltz and Lionel McPherson, but also about the morality of war and morals involved in conflict. This course may seem as though this is taught with senior ranking officers and leaders in mind, but also dives into concepts of war crimes for soldiers. And not only of war crimes for soldiers, but also of militants and terrorists. Through teachings of Jus Ad Bellum and Jus en Bello you will gain a perspective of morality in combat and war, and how these morals led to the creation of the International Criminal Court and the United Nations.

Final Assignment For The Course
